Livecoding emerges in Bengaluru.
Listing Directory: General
London Live Coding
Everyone is welcome at our events: Beginners and experts and everything in between. Meetups Jams Raves Wanna join? Luma for … More
Wavetable Edinburgh
A night of sonic experimentation. Third Thursday of every month.
Núritun Live Coding Space
Núritun Live Coding Space aims to create an open space for artists and programmers of all abilities and backgrounds to connect … More
Cookie Collective
The Cookie Collective gathers digital artists involved in real-time creation. This covers video games, art installations, video mapping, demoscene, algorave, etc.
Algorave Lousiana
It is the Algorave collective of the South based in Baton Rouge, Lousisana.
Livecode NYC
Livecode.NYC is a New York City-based artist collective devoted to the real-time programming technique called livecoding, and exploring its potential … More
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology This is a club for live coding.