A great talk by Charlie Roberts at JSConf, “Gibbering at Algoraves”, an intro to Gibber which kicks off with a nice intro to the live coding community:
Gibbering at Algoraves

The home of live coding
A great talk by Charlie Roberts at JSConf, “Gibbering at Algoraves”, an intro to Gibber which kicks off with a nice intro to the live coding community:
Thanks for posting this, Alex! I have to apologize for putting my foot in my mouth and characterizing dancers at algoraves as either headnodders or crazy people around the 30 minute mark… I have certainly danced at Algoraves and have seen plenty of people more respectable than I dancing as well 🙂 I blame the comment on jet lag.
Heh, I thought that was funny, and sadly true in a lot of cases as listed here.. http://www.nime.org/wp-publications/ncollins2014/
Algoraves do indeed work sometimes tho! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NYajrzM4ZY
I knew that would be Manchester before I even clicked it. 🙂
Great talk, Charlie!