The full performance line-up for the live.code.festival in Karlsruhe is now available, go and check it out! The organisers (led by…
Live hacking with Overtone
There’s a lot of buzz around overtone at the moment, a live coding language/environment built on Clojure and the SuperCollider…
From around the web
It’s nice to search twitter for “live coding“, and get a taste of what’s happening around the fringes. This has…
Video roundup
Some recent live coding related videos from the tubes. Firstly, super impressive try out of live coding GLSL fragment shader…
The holy grail of conference talks
As a search on twitter will reveal, live coding is becoming increasingly popular in conference talks. Here at TOPLAP…
Extempore developments and new tutorials
The Extempore livecoding environment is emerging from a two year development, and according to its creator Andrew Sorensen, is now…
The Laptop Orchestra and the Network Music Festival
Every self-respecting university music department now has a laptop orchestra, or similar form of LIve GRoup COmputer Performance (LIGROCOP) activity.…
LIVE 2013 – First international workshop on Live Programming
LIVE 2013 is the first international workshop on Live Programming, happening on May 19th in San Francisco, colocated with ICSE, the International…
Live coding on the Raspberry Pi
Happy new year! In the UK, 2012 was the year of the Raspberry Pi, a cheap hardware contribution to…
Seasons greetings
It turns out that the festive season is here. To mark this occasion the Cybernetic Orchestra have live coded something for…