From Juan A. Romero: Call for participants for the international live coding festival to be held at the University of Music…
realitat’s Videos on Vimeo
“Realität is a research and experimentation lab founded in Mexico City. It involves digital media, music, architecture, and sound art.”…
“// HACKPACT // Gráfica Sonora” video
Showcase of 20 brief experiments (sound machines) coded during november 2011 on the vimeos.
Google Native Client – an option for livecoding platforms?
I knew that Google were working on supporting native code to run in the Chrome browser, but I didn’t quite…
Bitop videos
“audiovisual renditions of a few selected C oneliners” by 0xA ( Aymeric Mansoux, Chun Lee and Olivier Laruelle )
Experimental music from very short C programs
…experimentation with very short programs that synthesize something that sounds like music by VIznut.
Fluxus glitch frame
Can’t get enough of glitch art. From one of the first frames of the Fluxus video tutorial on the videotubes.
Computer Music Journal special issue on Live Coding – call for submissions
In Spring of 2014, TOPLAP will hit its 10th birthday. We be celebrating this in a number of ways, and…
Livecode evening, Bristol Arnolfini, 27 July 2012
Heads up: Bristol Arnolfini, 27 July 2012: livecode evening at @LiveNotation event feat @slubrwx, @ClickNilson, @thormagnussonand @samaaron
Hello world!
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