Errata//Data – Live Coding in Pittsburgh

Taking place on November 12th, 2016 in Pittsburgh, PA – Errata//Data will be featuring two live-coded performances by BLÆRG and Spednar using the Tidalcycles platform…

ChoreoGraphic Coding

Here follows a guest post from Joana Chicau, giving some of the context behind “WebPage Act I,II,III”, her performance at…

ICLC is go!

The 2016 edition of International Conference on Live Coding is on, we’ve already had a day of workshops and evening of performances…

Troy Algorave

Algorave at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity, in Troy, New York. Featuring: Algobabez (Shelly Knotts & Joanne Armitage) Including:…

Stage photo

Afterglow’s ecosystem expands

I gave a presentation exploring and demonstrating Afterglow and related projects for the Madison Clojure Meetup on June 14. If…