Sound Choreography Body Code

There’s a kinaesthetic fringe growing around the usual audio/visual TOPLAP activities, where people live code other people, or even themselves,…


The algorave concept kicked off last month, with events in Brighton and London, and then a 100% live coded algorave in…

Livecodefest done

festival weekendFull props to the organisers, that was an incredible, difficult-to-summarise live.code.festival  of great people, food, beer, slides, and of…

Live hacking with Overtone

There’s a lot of buzz around overtone at the moment, a live coding language/environment built on Clojure and the SuperCollider…

From around the web

It’s nice to search twitter for “live coding“, and get a taste of what’s happening around the fringes. This has…

Video roundup

Some recent live coding related videos from the tubes. Firstly, super impressive try out of live coding GLSL fragment shader…