It’s been a busy couple months of in live coding, time to start catching up on big news.. Firstly from Cambridge…
Andrew Sorensen keynote at OSCON
Andrew Sorensen managed to pull off the feat of narrating his own live coding in a keynote performance at the…
Sonic PI Summer School
A landmark event for Live Coding field today – the start of the first Live Coding summer school, where children…
Open calls for live coders
As well as the afore-mentioned Live Interfaces conference, here are a couple of open calls of interest to live coders:…
Mico Rex Euro Tour – are you rexperienced? Gigs and workshops
There’s a wave of excitement across Europe as Mico Rex has flown in from Mexico City. They are part of the vibrant…
International Conference on Live Interfaces 2014
The second edition of the biannual International Conference on Live Interfaces is taking place in Lisbon, Portugal in November 2014.…
Live coding audio with Swift
Not one for the faint hearted free software folks or other lovers of cross-platform code, but it’s hard to deny…
CFP: Live Coding and Collaboration symposium
Live Coding and Collaboration symposium: Call for papersUniversity of Birmingham, on 25-26th September 2014. live coding, the innards of software are…
Live coding in the UK
There is a shed load of continuous live coding activity coming up in the UK, in part thanks to support from…
PowerBooks_UnPlugged Documentary online
“Many have claimed that ’The computer is the new folk guitar’; if this is so, then PB_UP (PowerBooks UnPlugged) is…