Musician & Machine was a MuTech Underground concert held at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia onWednesday 9 April…
Newcastle+Gateshead activities
This weekend (26-27th April 2014), the 10K+ attendees to the UK’s national maker faire in Newcastle will be able to visit…
Functional programming and the FARM workshop
Functional programming techniques, where functions are passed around as values forming “higher-order” structures, has traditionally been seen as a fringe activity. It…
FIBER+STEIM write-up and Marcel Wierckx keynote transcript
The FIBER+STEIM Algorave and live code weekend is sadly over, it was masses of fun. There is a great writeup…
Live coding socials
Perhaps live coding of music really only becomes actual music when communities form around it. Suddenly, three live coding related…
Sound and Music supports a series of TOPLAP live coding events
We’re really happy to have the support of Sound and Music, the UK national agency for new music, to…
FIBER+STEIM Algorave + live coding weekend, March 21-23
It’s all happening in Amsterdam this coming weekend, thanks to a collaboration between FIBER and STEIM, and the Coded Matter(s) series of events.…
Live coding research network
The Live Coding Research Network started in February 2014, with two years of events planned to support cross-disciplinary research. This…
Live coding on Arte TV
Tracks is a music culture TV programme that has been airing across both France and Germany since 1997, on the…
Dagstuhl seminar report: Collaboration and Learning through Live Coding
Documenting a largely unstructured seminar as a report, where each session was organised “just-in-time” and a lot of discussion happened…