A few of us in Yorkshire UK (Dorien, Ryan, Joanne and me so far) decided to start a TOPLAP node,…
IEEE VL/HCC – September 2016, Cambridge, UK
The IEEE conference on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing invites submissions related to live coding. The visual languages community has been…
Afterglow update and a performance video
I just released version 0.2.0 of Afterglow, adding some nice interface elements for controlling effects, cue variables, and picking colors, both from…
Survey on live coding audience
Live coding is a quite new and innovative artistic technique, with which is possible to obtain many stunning and complex…
FLUXOGRAMA#32: Control Your Algorithm by Renick Bell (mix)
I’ve made a 39-minute mix which includes a lot of work by live coders, including some tracks of my own. These…
Two new live-coded tracks from Kindohm
I just released a new EP, titled Dare to Step Away, on Bandcamp. Dare to Step Away EP by Kindohm These…
s2hs2, sharing OSC data between Tidal and Processing.
‘s2hs2’ is an interconnection for sharing OSC data between @tidalcycles and @ProcessingOrg. A visual form can be assigned to each…
Piston LP released
I am pleased to announce the official release of Piston LP on Bandcamp. Piston LP is composed in Tidal and performed/recorded in a single take, and best heard as loud as humanly possible.
NIME 2016
NIME 2016 is planing to make a feature of Live Coding and text as interface so we hope many in…
Livecoding into print
I’ve just launched a series of unique print pieces based on my performances creating visuals at various Algorave events in…