Join Us for the first official Algorave in Pittsburgh September 16th, 2017! Audio: Lil Data [PC Music, London] – One…
Metarythmes, Montréal – ‘migration1’
OBORO, STUDIO XX and TOPLAP are supporting ‘Metarythmes’ a series of meetings to collaborate and explore around the concepts ‘live…
OSC Jam: CASo ABIERTO #1 – Buenos Aires
This next Saturday (June 10th) will be held another livecode-ar meeting in the Centro de Arte Sonoro de la Casa…
howto_co34pt_liveCode – Resources about how I live code in SuperCollider
I live code as co¥ᄀpt, and for the past couple of months I have been documenting how I live code…
Live Coding meeting in Buenos Aires
This next Saturday (April 29th) will be a meeting in the Centro de Arte Sonoro de la Casa Nacional Del…
Workshop: Introduction to Live Coding – LPM 2017 Amsterdam
Introduction to Live Coding | Filippo Guida [IT] May 20 -21 | 18:00 – 21:00 | HackLab A beginners introduction to live…
Siren, a software environment that fills the gap between live coding performance and algorithmic composition. It is based on…
Belisha Beacon in ATTN:Magazine
Belisha Beacon aka Dorien Schampaert has a great interview in ATTN:Magazine about (among other things) her work researching the Ondes Martenot…
Live Coding YouTube
Live Coding YouTube is a web based live coding environment (javascript) to retrieve any YouTube video and to organize them…
Source Festival May 19-21
Source Festival May 19-21st Brooklyn NY Join LiveCode.NYC and IDM at NYU for 3 days of performances, discussions, workshops, and…