Binary Blast Algorave – Leipzig/Germany

Link to the event:

Hello~! We are the »Leipzig League of Livecoding« (or »LOL2«) and we are basically a bunch of people interested in programming languages, open-source software, creative coding and creating algorithmic music and generative visuals and were planning to do a kind of inaugural event for our livecoding league for a while now and finally found a date for it: ヽ(*^ー^)人(^ー^*)ノ On December 1 and 2, 2023 we will celebrate our »Binary Blast«-titled algorave at…with concerts, presentations, live streams, workshops and lots of nice stuff. It’s all about doing cool stuff with a computer and we don’t try to be not too geeky (only a little), so that you can participate and have fun even without being a hacker.
These events should function as a place to connect and establish a network of like-minded people and such with an interest in creative usages of coding and programming.
If you want to get in touch with us, share your stuff, or join our league, don’t hesitate to send a mail to:

…or join our Discord server.

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