Live Code Ontario Algo Pub Night
A night of sharing live coding works and networking with peers.
It is with great pleasure that we invite anybody interested to the Ontario TOPLAP Node’s luxurious and fully-automated Algorithmic Pub
Nights (AlgoPubNight for short). Get yourself a nice beer/tea/coffee and bite on a taco/poutine/kale-salad while algorithmic music is performed, visuals are generated, and code is shared and discussed.
We wish to build community around the practice of live coding while being open and interested in any other forms of creativity and imagination. So, regardless of whether you are a seasoned live coder wishing to jam, an artist interested in coding, a coder interested in the arts, or anybody curious enough and wishing to connect with others – come and join us, we would love to see you!
If you wish to participate with a performance or any other form of participation, additionally to the the event registration, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/PvpDvQPUB3K4GoRu7
This is a (provisional) code of conduct which should mediate our interactions: https://forum.toplap.org/t/code-of-conduct/1761
Join the online live coding community here: https://discord.gg/zxPus52M